August 17, 2010

Honest Reactions

Last Sunday Don and I had a meeting with the first counselor in the bishopric.  
When Don told me on Friday, I almost instantaneously became nervous and 
petrified of the calling that that they were going to ask us to.  
Thoughts were running through my head of two major things...

1- I have always been afraid of callings.  With this the fears include, but are not limited to: believing that I don't know enough, can't get my messages across the way they should be taught, not being knowledgeable enough to answer the questions that are brought up spontaneously, etc.  
2- In college I had a roommate that said to me. "She would accept any calling that was asked of her, because they wouldn't have called her to that if it wasn't a calling from God, and he knows what she is capable of."

So needless to say whatever was called of me I wanted to accept, but was PETRIFIED!

So on to the calling... Don and I have been called as Ward Missionaries!  
At first when they called us I was even more hesitant to accept... I believe that missionaries do great work for the church,
But...................... and I am even hesitant to write this............
while growing up in my home, missionary work was not accepted, understood, or even appreciated.
So accepting this calling I am stepping into a whole new territory.

The next step was sharing the news with our families... 
While I am looking forward to sharing the news with Don's family, with my family I am scared out of my mind. 
This morning I shared the news with my family and even though I had expected the reaction that I received, it was hurtful.

I am still excited about the calling and am looking forward to all that it has to offer not only our family, but all those in the ward. 
We will not only be spreading the work and word of the Lord, but we will be able to know our neighbors on a more personal level.

So on that note:

We are excited for this journey.  Thanks for listening.