September 29, 2008

What a blessing!

So everyone.... Don and I finally have a calling at church. We are Youth Sunday School Teachers for the 14-15 year olds. We taught our first lesson on Sunday and it was a blast. They are great kids and like anything it has it's own challenges. I like the fact that they are old enough to really interact and ask questions and participate with the lesson. I love seeing how young minds interperate the gospel. You can never have enough reminders on the gospel in all the different directions. I am hoping to know all their names by next week so that I can call on them and get them into the lesson.

I would like to ask a question out to all you. What are some good ways to keep their attention, and to actually get them to participate? I am trying to come up with ways so that Don and I are not the only ones talking. And yes kids will be kids, but have I forgotten how much energy young kids have? Anyway I hope all is well with everyone and talk at you later.

Happy October Almost. :)


Jill D. said...

I love that I can check your blog and be updated on the blog giveaways. What a fun calling too! I'll try to think of some ideas for you.

Linda said...

What a wonderful calling!!

Here are a couple of websites that are worth looking into some I have used in the past when dealing with my own teens!: to bottom of page for teens)

Stacey Moore said...

sounds like fun!!! i feel your pain :) i am a 5th grade teacher!!

Trulee said...

You guys look so cute! Congrats on the new calling.

I'm sad to be losing you at work, but I hope we can keep in touch.

Thanks for all you've done for me.