June 27, 2009

What's been happening?

Well I am so glad that you asked. We have been pretty busy these past few weeks just getting things ready for our little one, along with having some fun. So lets go way... way back to June 6th!...

That Saturday our family went to the Scera (sp?) pool in Orem where our little angel had a blast... I think she if finally getting over her fear of water, YAY!!! Mind you the water she is playing in was FREEZING!!! I don't know how she did it.

Just loving that face:

Next was getting my projects done. It helped a ton that we had a girls sewing night on the 10th where we had no kids! It was great to not have to worry who was crying and just work on our projects... I honestly don't know if I would have been able to finish the quilt at least in time without that night. Thanks girls... BTW, when is our next one?

One for the family reunion that is this Sunday, I am way excited to go and just get out of the house and be on the go for a day. I had volunteered to make the adult quilt for this year... little did I know I would be just about 9 months prego at the time... talk about hard work when you have a belly to work around, but oh so worth it. I am tempted to go buy a quilt for this year and just let me have this one. I love how it turned out. The pattern that I got the idea from is called "Grape Vines" So the colors are beautiful in this quilt. Purple, brown, green and blue... Hopefully everyone else will like it just as much as I do. If not, it won't hurt me to win it back... or take it off their hands!

A close up of the grapes:

Front overlay on back:

Another shot of the front overlay on the back:

A picture of the whole front:

I am also working on cross stitching our family Christmas stockings... mind you I started this last November... so we are almost 1 down... with only 3 to go! Hopefully I will be able to get Don's and Aubrey's done for this Christmas, and then work on Rebecca's and mine for next year. If I am feeling lucky, I might get three done this year. Here's hoping. Anyway so Don's is almost done, just adding the finishing touches and I will post that pic, maybe even before.

I have had one doctors appointment since the last post, and our baby girl is growing strong. I just can't believe that she is almost here. When we were trying with no success for as long as we did, it was a blessing to even get that positive sign, but now to think that she is only 6 weeks away... that is way too soon! I can't wait to see our baby girl. She is blessing our lives is so many ways already.

We then went camping with our good friends Steve and Danielle, and Nate and Heidi, (we were sad that Matt and Jill were unable to come... next time for sure guys!) Last time we went it was a total rain out... we left early and basically soaked and sleep deprived. This time was a little of the same, but tons more fun! It seems that we have the best weather the day we get there and then it goes downhill from there.

I want to give a shout out to the guys for helping replenish the fire wood pile while we were there. My dad is getting a little too... old shall we say... to be doing all that, and you have helped out majorly.

The whole crew went down to the river just over the hill from camp, while I stayed back and watched the fire... when they all got back, I was kind of glad that I hadn't gone. They were all soaked from the knees down and heavy breathing. Eight months prego it would have probably taken me ten times longer! Honestly I haven't been down to the river in who knows how long, and I didn't and don't remember what it is like. :) I do have to say that I was a little bit spoiled this time, for I slept in the trailer. And believe me it was a whole lot nicer than the air mattress! On the other hand, this was the last time that I am camping before our little one arrives. It wasn't all that bad, but the nighttime potty stops were just a little much, and any of you prego women out there know what I am talking about. Now add pitch black skies and one scared of the dark lady... no thanks. I think I can pass. Haha.

Ok and my last thing to post for now... I want to give a shout out to the wives who let me borrow there husbands for an hour last Wednesday night. We could not have gotten everything done that we did that night in preparation for our little ones arrival. It helped set a nesting pregnant woman's mind at ease... for now.

June 04, 2009

Time Flies...

Oh my goodnes... I can't believe that we are under the 10 weeks mark. ANd I have been counting the weeks as they go, but this yesterday at the doctors, the nurse measured me and said "Measuring at 30 cm, right where you are suppose to be..." It then clicked that I am less than 10 weeks away. We have also hit the wonderful mark of going to the doctors every other week. I can't believe that there is only 3 more visits with the doctor, before I start seeing him every week! (You can't tell I am excited or anything right?) I believe I have said this before, but there are things coming up in the next two months that will make this go by even faster. I still have the crib to set up! What is a girl to do!? And I have yet to find that take home outfit... oh man! Time is running out. :)

Ok so this a notice to all friends and family that wouldn't mind getting down and dirty for the day. In the middle of July, or maybe closer to the end... I am looking at doing a house cleaning day... and I mean cleaning day. Don't primp, just come in grubby clothing, for we will be getting into all the nooks and crannies, (I make it sound so much fun, don't I?). Danielle I know you are up for it :) I am thinking of doing a weekday rather than a weekend day. If you are willing to help please let me know if there are certain days that work better for you rather than others. (Kids are welcome. We have a fenced in yard and the kids can go play. If you are there during naptime, I have a few rooms that kids can sleep in, or we can have one big rest time for all the kids.)

Ok so catch up on family fun. This past Monday we took Aubrey to see Up... and boy is that a cute show! It was great! Most of the audience... like 95% of it, were families with small children, so it was great not having to worry about people being upset that kids were talking throughout. Aubrey loved to point out the birds, waterfall, dogs, pretty much anything she could. I can't believe my little girl is growing up. She is just over 2 and it feels like she is going to be grown up all too fast. You know how everyone says that they grow so fast, so enjoy and take time now to make memories, oh how true it is.