May 02, 2010

Latest Project Idea...

So in doing this half remodel of the bathroom, I am looking at what I can do to the other half to help it update the WHOLE thing... without costing an arm and a leg.  So my delema is this mirrow....
Sorry I know not the greatest picture... but anyway.  These are so old school in my book and they really aren't that effective in their use.  So Seaching the web I ran across this blog.  She had this great idea for making over a mirror... cheap and easy.  Here is her after look.
 She started with a plain mirror and used some polyurethane molding and corner blocks to add to it.  So simple and so practical.  I can't wait to get mine done... it may take a few months but it will get there.  (Note that although the ribbon is cute, I don't think I will be using that idea for attaching it to the wall).


Angie - said...

You WON the Sidewinders! I couldn't find your email address so I thought it'd be okay to post on your blog. Could you email your mailing address so I can give it to Sidewinders? Thank you! Congratulations!

Jill D. said...

Good idea! That will look great in your bathroom. I've gotta come see the remodel!