July 01, 2011

Thanksgiving 2010

For Thanksgiving last year we traveled to Arizona.  We were there for 5 days visiting with Don's family.  We stayed at Uncle Frank and Aunt Tammy's house.  It was amazing that we all fit!

I loved being down on vacation and seeing where some of his family lives.  They had just bought a new home and were very excited to show it off.  It was a beautiful home.  They had plenty of land for the kids to run on.  It was amazing!  I have to say my favorite part was that when we left, we made it to Arizona to see the sun rise over the dessert plains.  It was breathtaking!  I wish my camera wasn't packed away alas it was.  Here are a few pics from the wonderful family vacation. 

This was Thanksgiving day.  We were "Skype" ing with Don's uncle and his family from Japan.  Don's Grandma was there was well.  It was great to talk to family from such a far distance. 

One of the sunsets that I was able to catch.  The picture does NOT do it justice. 

My sweet little angel.  She did so well on the trip, even better than I expected. 

This was taken on the way home.  We literally had been in the car 5 minutes and she was out!  You can see that toys were a great help in keeping them occupied. 

While down there I celebrated my birthday.  It was wonderful to celebrate with family.  And I got a trip out of it!  We were able to see Harry Potter #7 part 1 while we were there with no kids and than was a great date night. 


Anonymous said...

Really awesome post.Keep up the good work!
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