Well it all began on Wednesday night the 15th of July. I went to bed like any other night and woke up only a few short two hours later, feeling like I had peed my pants. Yikes! So I go potty and it just doesn't feel the same or seem to stop. I think nothing of it, try to go back and lay down and it happens again. My sweet hubby at the time had not come to bed yet and so I went down and talked to him, like nothing was wrong (he says that he felt something was wrong when I wasn't all that mad that he wasn't in bed yet :), so anyway, I told him that I think my water broke. I go call the doctor, and wait for the reply. Within about two minutes I went from a water trickle to a water stream. They called back and said go to the hospital... Now mind you we live a half hour away from the hospital we were delivering at, so I was really nervous to waist gas to get there if my water wasn't broken, but yet nervous that if it had, I wouldn't make it in time. Needless to say we made it and it was a good thing. Backtrack fora few minutes here... when we figured that my water had broke, we started calling people in the middle of the night for our 2 year old was asleep in the next room... I called my good friend that had agreed to be our middle of the night person, she didn't answer. We then called his parents who were camping at their cabin in Heber, both cell phones straight to voice mail... great I am freaking out about now. Don called his friend, no answer. Don then called his other friend, which happens to be the husband of our middle of the night person, and he answers. Finally we have someone. She came over and stayed with Aubrey until my parents got there from Bountiful. Such a crazy experience there all in itself.
We got checked in and by one o'clock in the morning they had me hooked up to monitors and verified that my water had in fact broken. So starts the labor. The nurse kept asking me about every half hour what my pain was... I was like 1 maybe 2. Her reply was always the same, "really?" She then explained that I was having contractions every 3 minutes apart. They weren't that strong cause I wasn't feeling much. By 5 o'clock they were coming on hard and fast. I asked for the epidural, and life went amazingly smoothly after that. I saw the doctor at 7 am, and we started me on pitocin. They checked me then and I was dilated to a 3. I seriously couldn't believe it... 7 hours of labor and only at a 3! Well that was the longest part of it all. By 9:40 am they checked me again and I was dilated to a 8. They started watching me more closely because the baby's heart rate kept dropping. The nurse explained that it was most likely due to dilating and each time I would dilate, she would drop and stay down longer. They had me change positions to see if that would help and when i did that within a minute I felt a lot of pressure. I said to the nurse, "I am not sure, but I feel the need to push." Shse checked me again and I was all the way dilated. We did a practice push and she then said no more pushing. We need to wait for the doctor. They called the doctor at 10:01 and he was there at 10:16. Rebecca was born at 10:25... only 4 short pushes later.
All in all the delivery went really well. It was considerably easy and fast. Really it is still all sinking in that she is even here. I now have had one induced labor and one more naturally started. I am glad that she is a healthy little girl. We were able to come home from the hospital as long as I got her into the doctors first thing Monday morning. Her "problem" at this time is her jaundice. She is still climbing and so we are having to keep an eye on it. The doctor doesn't seem all that worried and doesn't think that she will have to go under the lights. There you all have it though. We are now adjusting to the sleepless nights, messy bums, and trying to figure out what the cry means. So for now, with time not on my side... here are a few more pics that will have to do for a while.
so so cute love the one with her and aubrey! she is so tiny in that carseat.. oh my heavens I can't wait to hold her :) sorry I didn't answer the first time! that is usually the way it works huh lol! Oh well at least i got there right hehe.. love you danielle call in you need ANYTHING!
Congrats Becca is beautiful! Glad everything went well! I love the picture with your two girls! Precious!
thanks for sharing your story! how many weeks were you when you delivered? she is SO adorable! I think she looks a lot like aubrey. :)
She is so beautiful! I can't believe you have two little girls now! Well done Nicole! Apparently I am grounded from visiting because she is so dang cute!:) Hopefully soon I'll be able to sneak over! Love you!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you - what a great story, hopefully you document it for her for when she's older. I'm so glad everything went so smoothly (minus the stress of finding a night person :)) and that she came rather quickly!
Have fun with your new little girl!
Congratulations! She is beautiful. You have two beautiful daughters.
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