November 09, 2008

Baby Tag.... Aubrey B Jordan

So I saw this on one of my friends blog and liked it so I thought I'd do it! (Thanks Jessica!)

1. Where were you when you first found out you when you found out you were pregnant? At my mom and dad's home. Do was playing the piano while I took the test. We were going to meet my parents for dinner.

2. Who was with you? Don

3. What was your first reaction? Shocked... we couldn't believe it. We had taken a test the Monday before and it was negative so we really thought nothing of it.

4. What was your husband's reaction? Really... you are kidding right? Then the excitement set in.

5. Who was the first person you told? My family that evening. We went out to dinner with them and told them at the table.

6. Were the pregnancies planned? Yes/no we were planning on a baby and were trying but didn't think it would happen for a while.

7. Was everyone happy for you? Oh yes!!

8. What was the sex? Girl

9. Did anyone throw a shower for you? My mother did and my mother in law.

10. Did you get any outfits you wouldn't use? Yes there were a few that I just couldn't see me putting her in.

11. How much weight did you gain? 25 lbs. Really not that bad.

12. Did you get stretch marks? Not really... there were some already there, they may have gotten a little more pink.

13. Did you crave anything crazy? No I really didn't crave anything it was more if something sounded good I wanted it, but there was not just one thing.

14. Who or what got on your nerves the most? The comments that people would make whether it was good or bad...

15. Where were you when you went into labor? I was induced 5 days early... I went to get checked and he had a hard time getting a heartbeat so he said go home and pack your bags and meet me at the hospital... They broke my water at 10:30 am.

16. Did you have any complications? Not really... other than the last day when he got scared because he couldn't hear the heartbeat.

17. Did your water break? No... they broke it for me.

18. Who drove you to the hospital? Myself. My dad went to get my husband because he had gone to work that day and my mom followed me up when I went to the hospital to be with me till Don got there.

19. Did you go early or late? 5 Days early.

20. Who was in the room? Dr Ward, there were three nurses, Don, and my mom and dad.

21. Did you video tape it? NO!

22. Did you have any pain medication? Yes... epidural all the way.

23. Did you have a c-section or natural? Neither... Vaginal...It was quite a short labor... only 7 hours.

24. What was your reaction to the birth? Is she ok... She didn't cry for a while. Then the tears came... that is my baby girl! I have never been more proud.

25. How big was the baby? 6 lbs 12 ounces and 19 inches long.

26. Did your husband cry? Wow! That's my little girl. Overwhelming feeling of taking pictures and documenting all that he could.

27. When is the next one coming? We were hoping sooner than later, but it looks like the Lord has other plans for us. So the next one will come when he sends it down to us. We will welcome it with open hearts.

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