July 31, 2010

Will Power...

So lately I have had absolutely NONE!!!
I see something I want,
I think of something I could use,
I look at something I don't need...

And I buy. With money that I don't have,
has not been saved, and is promised somewhere else.

I need to find a way that I can improve on this,
yet it seems as though I always can find a loop hole that justifies what I am feeling.

This has gone on for some time now.
What I wouldn't give for better control of myself.
As I am writing this it feels like I am doing nothing.
I am hoping that by admitting this to myself publicly on my blog...
(yeah I know it is all so very public), that I am helping myself.
I will be able to check up with myself and hold myself accountable for my actions.

I see TODAY as the LAST day that I will let my impulse reactions
over run my will power.
Budgeting and saving is now a top priority in all that I do.

So in the end I would also like to ask any of you that are reading...
and that have read this far...
What is your strategy?
What ticks and tips help you in this matter?

I look forward to the beginning of my better managed self - control.


CJ said...

I have the same prob. I just make time to go window shopping with out taking money that way i get the rush of going out and seeing stuff. I also go to stores where I am overwelmed by the prices of things IE the Mall to get in the mind frame of "serously people pay this much for stuff". Helps to remind me the value of a dollar.Good luck.

Jill D. said...

I'm the same. Feel free to call me if you have the impulse! :) Like an AA sponsor! We'll help each other out when we're weak. ;)

Sarah Hatch said...

I think it helps to just get rid of the credit cards and only use a debit card. If that doesn't work, then you can start using the envelope system. That's where when you guys get your paychecks you budget out where the money goes first tithing, then savings, and then withdraw (in cash) money for groceries and put it in one envelope, money for clothes and put it in another envelope, money for miscellaneous expenditures and put it in another envelope. That way you've already decided what you're going to spend. And it's a lot harder to spend money when it's in cash form, the guilt is higher when you're handing the clerks actual money rather than a plastic card.
Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey is a great tool. You can check if your area teaches those classes or you can check out one of his books from the library.