May 17, 2008

Great DEAL!!!!

Today I had to go in to work for an Auction, which... was a total flop.... we start the auction at 9 am, and no one showed up till 9:10, and then there was only him... so he got it way cheap. Anyway, on our way back home, Don and I saw this yard sale sign in our neighbor hood... I am a sucker for yard sales. We drove by and there was this cute little toddler bed... as we pulled up there was another lady asking about it, and I couldn't here the all the details that the owner was telling the lady. The lady walked away and so I asked the lady how much it was. It was a mere $10!!!!! Holly Cow! I couldn't pass that up. So now I just have to get her bedding for it. I am so excited to switch her to it. She is still a few months away from switching over but I am still excited that our little girl is growing up. She is so big now and she acts like such a big girl.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey we found you! our blog is
Hey I wanted to tell you Benjamin is only a month older than your girl, and he is allready sleeping on the bottome of a bunkbed. I tottally think that your little girl could handle switching over to her "big girl" beautiful bed ! Best of Luck!
Ann Maas