December 03, 2008

Time Check...

Ok so time is going fast until I look at the clock... I can't wait for it to be 2. I get to go home. Time though today is a double standard. I am waiting for my test results... I called him earlier this morning and they told me that they had the results but that he hasn't signed off on them so I don't get to know. They told me they would try to call me back before lunch, but no such luck as of yet. Jest seriously look at the results... sign them off... and give me a call telling me if it is good or bad news. I would really just love to know for sure what is happening with me. I hope the day is going better for everyone. Hopefully I will know sooner rather than later. I don't know if my mind can take it till 5 or 6. Please just call me soon! Happy days everyone!


Cleverly Triple said...

test results for what? I hope everything is ok. :)

Nicole said...

Soon it will all be clear and things will be just fine. Thanks. I will tell a little later depending on the test results. :)