December 27, 2008

Christmas Morning...

On Christmas Morning we awoke to all of the gifts that we had bought for the family and to our surprise Santa stopped by... I was hoping we were on the good list this year. :P I love having my own little family to share these special moments with. I loved being able to stay home all day. It was so relaxing.
My Pink Christmas gift arrived Christmas eve... and I couldn't resist... so I opened the package. I was so excited that it was wrapped, because then I waited till morning to open the gift. But I wanted to open right then and there.

The Pink Christmas gift was matching handmade scarfs for Aubrey and I. I love them. I have already gotten lots of use out of them. Not to mention the colors. Just my style. There was also a tiara picture, (sorry no pic yet).

My big gift from my honey... A Circut!!!! I was so excited. I love him so much. He always things of the best things. I love him. And Aubrey gave me the tool kit to go with it.

Aubrey got a table and chair set that is just her size. She has used it for everything since.

No such a hot picture... but she is opening her Cabbage Patch doll that she got as well.

There isn't a picture, but Don got the Sacred Grove poster framed... he has had the poster since before his mission. He also got much needed clothes.

All in all our Christmas was great... and it isn't over yet. We are celebrating with my family tomorrow.

Christmas Continued...

On Wednesday Evening we went and celebrated Christmas with Don's family. We all had a great time. I love all of the nativity scenes that Paula has. She has them everywhere in every shape size, wood, plastic, fabric... I think you get the picture. But I love how she has so many. We missed having Don'e Uncle Frank and Aunt Tammy, and Grandma, but we had them in our hearts.
Here is Aubrey playing with one of her wood nativity scenes.

Aubrey opening one of her many outfits that she got from the in-laws.

I just love Aubrey's face in this picture. She is getting so good to be witht he in-laws now.

Aubrey's favorite gift of the evening, her doodle board. She actually threw the biggest fit I have seen her throw in lets say forever!!! It was hilarious.

Our Christmas...

Merry Christmas to all. I hope you all had a safe and wonderful holiday. A little of what we have done to pass the time and celebrate the holidays are listed below.

On Tuesday the 23rd we went to Midway to go sledding with Don's family. It was fun what I got to do. I loved sitting and talking with Louie Mae, (Don's Grandmother, the one we are getting the house from). It was nice to sit back without a lot of commotion and celebrate with her in her own special way. I don't know that she knows of our blog, but I do hope that she knows how much we love her and are glad that she is still around. There are pictures of Don and Aubrey sledding up in Soldier Hollow. From what I hear and see she had a blast. I loved getting her all ready for the new adventure.
This is Aubrey pulling her own tube.

Don pulling Aubrey on the kiddie hill. If you were 3 and under you couldn't go on the big hill.

Her loving the new experience. I love that adorable face.

Aubrey was tired and just kind of collapsed on the couch on Christmas Eve.

Aubrey was taking handfuls of popcorn and literally shoving her fist into Don's mouth to feed him... it was hilarious.

Hello everyone and Happy Holidays.

December 20, 2008


So I am kind of saddened at this moment. I am realizing that we are leaving the best place that we have lived yet, in only two weeks... right after Christmas. I have loved living in our place that we call home. It is still an apartment, but it has never been that for me. This is the first place that we have lived that I have not said... back at the apartment... I have always said back at home. I am glad this year has brought so many new opportunities for our family and am glad that we are getting into a home. I know so many people that wait so many more years than us to get something that we are being handed on a platter pretty much... don't get me wrong it isn't free by any means, but at least we are helping out our family and they are looking out for us.

The most wonderful thing is that we are planning on being in the new house for a long LONG time. We aren't moving anymore... for at least 10 years. And all of the memories that we have in our other places will still be there, but we will be able to make so many more at our new place.

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and take a moment no matter where you are to stop and smell the roses. There is nothing better than creating and keeping memories.

December 17, 2008

Good News?

It has been quite a while since I last posted, but there really hasn't been all that much too post about... just crowds, traffic and near death experiences... Ok not really. But anyway. I went to the doctors on Monday and had an ultrasound to see what was going on. We thought that by now I would be 8 weeks... I am only 6 so we couldn't see anything besides a round black dot. Which is better than nothing at all. So we have another couple of weeks before we really find out anything. We have waited this long, what is two more weeks? :P

We also had family pictures taken last Saturday. I am way excited I get the CD today and then I will post some.

We are just getting ready for the holidays and hope everyone has a safe and relaxing holiday. We love you all. Happy Holidays!

December 04, 2008

The Results...

So now that I have confused many of you... I can tell you what this was all about. We are pregnant!!!! I seriously can't believe it. I am still in shock. We have kind of know since last Saturday, but was cautious of telling people because we have been having problems for a while now. So I went to the doctors on Monday and they thought I was there for a 21 day test, when I was there for a prego test. When they called and said it was positive, they said it was for ovulation not for a positive on pregnancy. I was so bummed. I just needed the confirmation of the doctors to know a for sure. So anyway we are expecting #2! YAY!!! I am only delighted to the fullest of my ability that we are adding to our family.

December 03, 2008

Stupid Doctors...

So I really can't say this enough... Doctors don't like to listen to their patients! I just got a call with my test results and they were... positive for what they tested for... not what I asked them to test for. So back to the drawing board and two days more of waiting. URGH!!!

Time Check...

Ok so time is going fast until I look at the clock... I can't wait for it to be 2. I get to go home. Time though today is a double standard. I am waiting for my test results... I called him earlier this morning and they told me that they had the results but that he hasn't signed off on them so I don't get to know. They told me they would try to call me back before lunch, but no such luck as of yet. Jest seriously look at the results... sign them off... and give me a call telling me if it is good or bad news. I would really just love to know for sure what is happening with me. I hope the day is going better for everyone. Hopefully I will know sooner rather than later. I don't know if my mind can take it till 5 or 6. Please just call me soon! Happy days everyone!

November 28, 2008

Fun Filled Week!!!

Hey everyone. I hope this week has been as great for you as it was for us! Ok so working all three business days this week wasn't that fun, but we celebrated tons of things. This week we celebrated my birthday, Thanksgiving and Black Friday. I love going out for that early morning sale that isn't on any other time in the year... ok well it isn't that great of a deal any other time.

Also Don and I started our own tradition that on the even of Thanksgiving. I love having it up as long as I can... I am a big Christmas fan. I love everything about it... the snow, the cold days, the Christmas trees and decorations, the family gatherings, and the milestones that you associate with holidays.
This year's milestone... we can now do complete pigtails in Aubreys hair... YAY!!!

Sipping a slurpy on the way home from Colorado.

November 18, 2008

Slacking off...

There is so much going on in our family right now that I have been slacking in the blog department. In my previous post I had told you all of my new niece. With my brother and his family living in Colorado, the families had it worked out that her mom would be here with them for the first week and then my mom would be her for the second... so spur of the moment I came with my mom to Colorado to see the new addition to the family. Being over here it has been so much fun! There is nothing like having a new little one in the house.

We are also getting very excited for Thanksgiving. This is my favorite time of year. Families getting together, eating and sleeping... what more could you want.

Don and I are getting ready for a move to Orem in January. We are very excited to be moving to a home... with room to grow and spread out. There is nothing like having space... with little ones right by your side. :) I hope to have pictures up soon of the trip to Colorado.

I want to take a minute to thank everyone for the kindness and generosity that you all have shown Don and I. We love you all so much and wish to share nothing but the best for all of you. I am glad that you all are doing well and know that if there is anything that I can do for you, just holler my way. Pay it forward is a great way to live. We love you all and hope your holidays are wonderful.

November 11, 2008

12 Day giveaway...

Hey everyone. I thought you might want to check out Tip Junkie from November 11 to November 22. They are doing a giveaway for 12 days. Great items are up for grabs. Check it out. Today there is a baby car seat cover and a shopping seat cover as one giveaway and then a neat stamp from Monogram Chick. Have fun and good luck to anyone that enters.

November 09, 2008

New Niece!!!!

It has been a long time since I posted anything and so I thought make the next time that I post a good one. Here it is... we have a new niece! Macey Elizabeth Jewett was born November 7, 2008 at 6:46 am. Weighing 6 lbs 4 oz and 19 inches long. She is a following her sisters path with the dark dark hair at birth. Here is a picture of beautiful baby Macey!

Baby Tag.... Aubrey B Jordan

So I saw this on one of my friends blog and liked it so I thought I'd do it! (Thanks Jessica!)

1. Where were you when you first found out you when you found out you were pregnant? At my mom and dad's home. Do was playing the piano while I took the test. We were going to meet my parents for dinner.

2. Who was with you? Don

3. What was your first reaction? Shocked... we couldn't believe it. We had taken a test the Monday before and it was negative so we really thought nothing of it.

4. What was your husband's reaction? Really... you are kidding right? Then the excitement set in.

5. Who was the first person you told? My family that evening. We went out to dinner with them and told them at the table.

6. Were the pregnancies planned? Yes/no we were planning on a baby and were trying but didn't think it would happen for a while.

7. Was everyone happy for you? Oh yes!!

8. What was the sex? Girl

9. Did anyone throw a shower for you? My mother did and my mother in law.

10. Did you get any outfits you wouldn't use? Yes there were a few that I just couldn't see me putting her in.

11. How much weight did you gain? 25 lbs. Really not that bad.

12. Did you get stretch marks? Not really... there were some already there, they may have gotten a little more pink.

13. Did you crave anything crazy? No I really didn't crave anything it was more if something sounded good I wanted it, but there was not just one thing.

14. Who or what got on your nerves the most? The comments that people would make whether it was good or bad...

15. Where were you when you went into labor? I was induced 5 days early... I went to get checked and he had a hard time getting a heartbeat so he said go home and pack your bags and meet me at the hospital... They broke my water at 10:30 am.

16. Did you have any complications? Not really... other than the last day when he got scared because he couldn't hear the heartbeat.

17. Did your water break? No... they broke it for me.

18. Who drove you to the hospital? Myself. My dad went to get my husband because he had gone to work that day and my mom followed me up when I went to the hospital to be with me till Don got there.

19. Did you go early or late? 5 Days early.

20. Who was in the room? Dr Ward, there were three nurses, Don, and my mom and dad.

21. Did you video tape it? NO!

22. Did you have any pain medication? Yes... epidural all the way.

23. Did you have a c-section or natural? Neither... Vaginal...It was quite a short labor... only 7 hours.

24. What was your reaction to the birth? Is she ok... She didn't cry for a while. Then the tears came... that is my baby girl! I have never been more proud.

25. How big was the baby? 6 lbs 12 ounces and 19 inches long.

26. Did your husband cry? Wow! That's my little girl. Overwhelming feeling of taking pictures and documenting all that he could.

27. When is the next one coming? We were hoping sooner than later, but it looks like the Lord has other plans for us. So the next one will come when he sends it down to us. We will welcome it with open hearts.

How I Met Don!

How did you meet your significant other? Answer all the questions HONESTLY and re post as "How I met _____"

1.Where did you meet?
Online at Long story short I emailed him and three months later he emailed me back. It was worth the wait!

2.What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
Well at our first meeting we went bowling, to a movie and dinner... we had tons to talk about and we had a blast. But when I got in the car and went home I honestly thought that I would never see him again. When I got home I got online and there he was, we sat and talked for a while but there was really nothing with sparks. Sad to say but it is the truth.

3.Do you remember what he/she was wearing?
Blue shirt and jeans and I believe it was sandals with socks! Yuck!

4.Where was the first time you kissed this person?
Outside my apartment complex in Cedar City. I remember when he kissed me that I told myself to stay calm until I got into the apartment... and then I lost it... I was so excited! It was a step in the right direction.

5.Where did you go for your first date?
To All Star Lanes in Sandy for bowling and then the dollar theater in Sandy and saw Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, and went to dinner at Sam Pan. We fought over the onions.

6.How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
Around a month... and then on the second date we held hands in the car and that is where it started.

7.How did he/she ask you out?
It was an online thing... instant message or email I don't remember... I think it was a combo of both.

8.Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yes, November 29, 2005.

9.Do you and this person have kids together?
One so far. Aubrey is 20 months this November. She is getting so big.

10.Have you ever broken the law with this person?

11.When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
After the Jon Schmidt concert in September of 2005. That was the first night that we really got to know each other in person. We talked all the time online but in person it always better and different.

12.Do you get along with his/her family?
Mostly. Withe everyone... I love them one at a time, but all together... I have to take breaks. I love them all though. They are my family.

13.Do you trust this person?

14.Do you see her/him as your partner in your future?
I can't see my future without him.

15.What is the best gift she/he gave you?
My daughter.

16.What is one thing He/She does that gets on your nerves?
When he is constantly bouncing his knee or popping his knuckles.

17.Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
I would like there to be more sounds of pitter pattering feet around. Aubrey will be in high school... crazy.... I will be 38... who the heck knows what I will be doing then.

18.What causes the most arguments?
When we misunderstand each other and/or he forgets something important.

19.How long have you been together?
2 years 9 months.

20.Are you Married?

21. Who Do you Tag?
I will tag Danielle, Trulee and Jill. If you don't want to do it but it is kind of fun to bring those memories back.

October 20, 2008

Who Wouldn't Want One!?!?!?

Hello Everyone. I am so excited about this contest. They are giving away a Dyson Vacuum!!! I hope I am lucky enough to win. My mom got one about 2 years ago, they are AMAZING. They pick up everything. I hope you all will check it out. I know you all want one. :) Oh and here is the link.

October 10, 2008

Awesome Night!!!!

Hello everyone! So it is 12:30 and I got home about an hour ago from the Reba Kelly concert... it was wonderful! They were on stage the WHOLE TIME! They never left the stage, except for a moment when the changed their outfits once (really it was just their shirts) and then they came back out for the encore... not even a minute later. They sang for a whole 2 hours straight. They had their opening act as Melissa Peterman... Better know as Barbara Jean from the sitcom Reba. It was just a wonderful night. Thanks mom for the early b-day gift. It couldn't have been better. Girls nights are always the best, especially when they are with your best friend. I love you Mom! Here are a few pictures from the concert. Oh and by the way we were sitting in the section at the side of the stage... second row up, end seats! Really what could have been better?!?!?!

Mom and I at the concert.

Melissa Peterman being her crazy self.

Being even more crazy.

The two just getting on the stage.

Reba in all her glory. Isn't she beautiful!

Kelly towards the beginning. I have underestimated Kelly and what she can do. She is amazing with her voice. She can do runs and slides like you can't believe.

Kelly during the encore.

Together during the encore.

Reba during the encore.

Ending the show. It was sad to see them go, but great while it lasted.

This is Keith Stubbs, from 101.5 the eagle... You wouldn't picture him like this. He voice doesn't match his face, with what you imagine.

Another Great Contest!!!!

Thanks Jill for sending a shout out to all of us. I am way excited for this. A woman can never have too many purses. Handbag Planet is giving away a purse every hour on October 15th for 24 hours. You can only enter for one, but you gain extra entries for doing other things promoting their site. Check it out and pick your favorite purse.

New Contest....

Ok so I know that I post a lot of non-family related posts, but this one is worth the while... Over on Momdot there are giving away a Bissel Carpet Cleaner. It runs now through the 9th of November. Really if you are looking for something that will do the trick to get all the dirt and grime out of your carpet... this one is the way to go. Head on over here and enter for your chance to win. I know I will be entering daily!

October 07, 2008

A Great Surprise!!!!

I am so excited! My mom called and asked what I was doing this Friday... well nothing really. I mean we plan on going to the Temple twice a month and this Friday we were planning on it... but what's up? My mom then said... give me a minute and I will call you back. Ok whatever. When she called back she said, "Ok well you are now busy on Friday." "Ok mom, what's up?" "I just got tickets for the Reba and Kelly Concert. In the section right by the side of the stage 9 rows up."

Anyway I am way excited. Thanks Mom!

October 06, 2008

Are you registered to Vote?

Voting registration in coming to an end. In order to vote in this election on November 4th, you either need to register by mail TODAY, or go visit your local clerks office by October 20th. If you haven't done either by October 20th... you are out of luck.

I thought this was a great clip. One of the best things that celebrities have done so far. Take a moment and watch. Click here to watch. Or see the following:

October 04, 2008

The Utah State Fair

Our yearly tradition of going to State Fair was a blast this year. We go down the Big Yellow Slide. She is such a trooper.
Going through the children's work house... I think she was a little young for it, but it was still a blast. Does she not look beautiful?

There were white tigers new this year. What beautiful animals! Aubrey had a great time watching them.

Now you make think that the next two pictures are the same, but they aren't... we they kind of are. This one was taken this year...And this one last year. Something new to look forward to see.

September 29, 2008

What a blessing!

So everyone.... Don and I finally have a calling at church. We are Youth Sunday School Teachers for the 14-15 year olds. We taught our first lesson on Sunday and it was a blast. They are great kids and like anything it has it's own challenges. I like the fact that they are old enough to really interact and ask questions and participate with the lesson. I love seeing how young minds interperate the gospel. You can never have enough reminders on the gospel in all the different directions. I am hoping to know all their names by next week so that I can call on them and get them into the lesson.

I would like to ask a question out to all you. What are some good ways to keep their attention, and to actually get them to participate? I am trying to come up with ways so that Don and I are not the only ones talking. And yes kids will be kids, but have I forgotten how much energy young kids have? Anyway I hope all is well with everyone and talk at you later.

Happy October Almost. :)

Another giveaway... check it out!

Ok so I love a craft as much as any other person, but around the holidays, isn't it all about family time and going easy on things? Well this giveaway on All Because Two People Fell in Love blog is giving away a $50 gift certificate for some cards... and it doesn't have to be holiday cards. What better way then the say we are thinking of you in the days coming ahead? Handmade, computer made, or someone else making... the thought is all that counts. Go check it out and enter... there are tons of designs to choose from.

Busy Body Book Giveaway... Check it out!

Ok so I can't get the picture here.... but this is a great way of keeping yourself up to date on all that is happening in your life, and the lives around you. I am so excited for this giveaway. On the blog All Because Two People Fell in Love, they are doing a giveaway for a Busy Book Planner. I love that it is more than a regular planner... well to me it is. Once I found these I love not only the personal planner but the Busy Body Book Wall Calendar. If you are like me you can never have enough calendars around the house. Check them out and enter... contest ends October 5th.

September 25, 2008

More pictures

Coming in from the rain... look at those pants!
Playing daddy's video game... Oh how sweet.

A New Beginning

So this has been a long time waiting for pictures of Little Missy's big bed. We moved her to the bed in August and she is loving it. We do have a side rail so that she won't fall out. Better safe than sorry. I am so proud of how well she has adjusted to the new bed. She is a easy going girl.
This is a tent that she got for Christmas last year and we set it up in her room so she would have a hut. When we moved we put her chair in it, but she no longer wants to sit in the chair... it is always pulled out and climbing all over it. I remember the day that I went into her room and she was sleeping in her tent. So Cute!
Just another picture of her in her tent. She loves the camera....